Unit 4: WWI

  1. 3. Presidents wilsons plan to prevent future world wars.
  2. 8. war that happened in 1914-1919, Allies: Britian, France, Russia (USA added later) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. Trench Warfare.
  3. 12. Heir to Australian Throne-June 1914- He and Wife Assassinated by Serbian Nationalist
  4. 14. Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism
  5. 15. A Boat sunk this british ship and 1,198 people died including 128 Americans.
  6. 16. The Compensation for war damage paid by a defeated state.
  7. 17. Gardens that were made in order to save food and materials for troops in WWI and prevent food shortages.
  8. 18. State of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict.
  9. 19. Treaty that Ended WWI, Blamed germany for war and gave germany punishment for them to pay for everything and nerf their army.
  10. 20. Authorized for prevention of strikes that would disrupt prod. in war industries.
  1. 1. Telegram from germany that was intercepted from britian before the telegram reached mexico.
  2. 2. Practice of spying or using spies, typically by gov. to obtain political & Military info.
  3. 4. The main military tactic in WWI Which uses Tunnels to attack, support, and defend.
  4. 5. Fear of spread of communism (Threat of Actions of classless society org. labor.)
  5. 6. First world-wide intergovernmental org. whose principle is to maintain peace.
  6. 7. Hostile nation's right to prevent an enemy from receiving goods in order to have advantage
  7. 9. Agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time, A Truce.
  8. 10. Unoccupied Land between opposing armies in WWI
  9. 11. Gov. Agency established to coordinate the purchase of war supplies.
  10. 13. Info, Especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a particular political cause/POV.