Unit 4

  1. 2. legal protection of a creators intellectual property or products
  2. 3. person, organization, or business that gives you money or donates products
  3. 5. good or service that legally uses a logo or image owned by another company or person
  4. 6. promotional tools not form of sponsorships
  5. 8. blending different promotional elements
  6. 9. persons public expression of approval or support for a product or service
  7. 10. a device that legally identifies ownership of a registered brand or trade name
  8. 11. any form of communication used by a company to inform, persuade
  9. 14. material that has been copyrighted or legally declared as belonging to the creator
  1. 1. us government agency that protects consumers from deceptive business practice
  2. 2. any form of communication through which one industry
  3. 4. unique works or writers, artists and musicians that can be protected under copyright laws
  4. 7. is underwriting an event for the purpose of gaining positive associations for the brand
  5. 12. referes to different types of media
  6. 13. copyrighted material: music, movies, movies, and software