- 3. Thunen Model/ used to explain the spatial organization of agriculture and how it is influenced by transportation costs
- 6. domestication - The mutual relationship between non-humans and the humans who have an influence on them.
- 10. - act of running a ranch, which is essentially an extensive farm for the sole purpose of raising livestock and crop
- 11. Cultivation - a plot of land was cultivated temporarily and is abandoned to allow vegetation to grow freely while the cultivator moves to another plot.
- 12. Herding - The continual movement of livestock in search of forage for animals.
- 13. Nomadism - The caring for animals in order to extract subsistence livelihoods.
- 16. Farming-Food production that is primarily grown to sustain the farmer and their family.
- 19. discouragement and unsupportive of increasing the birth rate.
- 20. theory/ population growth will eventually and inevitably outnumber food production , leading to global famine.
- 21. fishing/ Large amounts of fishing in an area.
- 22. agriculture/ Food production is grown with the intention of making profit
- 23. revolution/ traditional medieval farming to more productive efficient, and mechanical methods of farming
- 25. culture/ The growth of a single crop or organism especially on agricultural or forest land.
- 26. rural settlements/ Homes and other structures evenly distributed across the landscape
- 27. rural settlements/ Homes and other structures evenly distributed across the landscape
- 1. agriculture/ Mediterranean agriculture is the practice of crop cultivation undertaken in areas with Mediterranean climates
- 2. encourages people to have babies and increase the birth rate
- 4. rural settlements/Houses and farm buildings of each family are situated close to each others
- 5. modified organisms/ changes have been made to the genome of a plant or animal
- 7. Malthusians/ Malthus did not account for new farming techniques and food preservations
- 8. Cropping/ practice of growing one kind of crop
- 9. - tillage between rows of crops of plants
- 14. business sector encompassing farming and farming-related commercial activities
- 15. Crop/ Crops that are grown and not considered necessary for human survival. Ex: sugarcane, tobacco, tea
- 17. cultivation of seafood
- 18. Crop/ A food that is regularly consumed/used. Ex: cotton, rubber
- 24. insecurity/ household's inability to consistently obtain enough food for each member to lead an active, healthy life
- 25. Gardening/ Cultivation on suburban land and utilizes heavy fertilizers