Unit 5 - Agriculture and Rural Land Use

  1. 2. Mechanized agriculture
  2. 4. One crop per field
  3. 5. Property defined by grid lines
  4. 7. Two crops on the same land, simultaneously
  5. 8. Factory farms
  6. 11. Milk producing region
  7. 13. Farming for money
  8. 14. Land cost depends on distance from city center
  9. 15. Following livestock
  10. 17. Two crops on the same land, different times
  11. 18. Cash crops
  12. 19. Farming to eat
  13. 20. Modified crops
  1. 1. Property defined by landmarks
  2. 3. Birth of agriculture
  3. 6. Slash and burn
  4. 9. Type of agriculture depends on distance from city
  5. 10. Property defined by a river or road
  6. 12. Seasonal movement of livestock between lowlands and highlands
  7. 16. Network of everything involved to create/sell a product