  1. 4. Use of biological processes for industrial and agricultural purposes
  2. 6. Slash-and-burn agriculture clearing land for cultivation
  3. 7. Separating grain from chaff using air currents
  4. 10. Husks separated from grain during threshing
  5. 12. Confined area for fattening livestock before slaughter
  6. 14. Process of soil and rock being worn away
  7. 15. Inheritance law favoring the eldest son's succession
  8. 16. Machine for harvesting and processing crops
  9. 17. Wetland rice cultivation area
  10. 18. Separating grains from harvested plants
  11. 20. Raising livestock while migrating for grazing
  12. 21. Irrigated rice field in southeast asia
  13. 23. Propagation using plant parts like stems
  14. 28. Farming primarily for self-sufficiency and survival
  15. 29. Cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
  16. 30. Process of adapting wild plants for human cultivation
  1. 1. Large-scale agricultural estate for cash crops
  2. 2. Cultivated plant species harvested for human use
  3. 3. Rotating fields to maintain soil fertility
  4. 5. Integration of agricultural production and commercial activities
  5. 8. Growing two or more crops on the same land in a year
  6. 9. Area of land used for grazing livestock
  7. 11. Farming based on planting and cultivating seeds
  8. 13. Exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between hemispheres
  9. 19. Practices to maintain resources for future generations
  10. 22. Land degradation turning fertile land into desert
  11. 24. Farming of aquatic organisms for human consumption
  12. 25. Cultivation of land for food and resources
  13. 26. Area that supplies milk to a specific market
  14. 27. Seasonal movement of livestock between pastures