Unit 5 Energy and Motion

  1. 3. nonsolid states of matter are called this
  2. 4. Pascal is the unit for _____
  3. 5. this type of energy is dependent on the number of particles and the movement of particles
  4. 6. The unit for both work and energy
  5. 7. change in position relative to reference point
  6. 9. The unit for Force
  7. 11. Archimedes' Principle states that this force is equal to the weight of the volume of the displaced fluid
  8. 12. This Newton Law states that an object at rest remains at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force
  9. 16. There are six of these types of machines
  10. 17. Work depends on _____ and distance
  11. 18. how much work is done when a box that weighs 20 N is pushed 1.5 meters?
  12. 19. this type of net force results in movement
  13. 21. velocity depends on speed and ______
  14. 22. an object with a mass of 35 grams and a velocity of 2 m/s has how much momentum?
  1. 1. states that a fluid in equilibrium exerts a pressure of equal intensity in all directions
  2. 2. the sun's infrared waves are an example of this type of heat transfer
  3. 4. curved path an object takes when thrown
  4. 8. this type of resource forms at a rate that is slower than it is replenished
  5. 10. ice cube melting in a hand is an example of this type of heat transfer
  6. 13. both heat and pressure always transfer from _________
  7. 14. This Newton Law states that F = ma
  8. 15. pressure of a fluid ______ as the fluid's velocity increases
  9. 18. This Newton Law states that for every action force there is a reaction force
  10. 20. combination of all forces acting on an object
  11. 23. speed is distance divided by ______