unit 5 lab
- 4. a tubular structure carrying blood through the tissues and organs
- 8. vessels that deliver blood to tissues
- 12. when a part of the heart muscles doesn't get enough blood
- 15. decreased blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscles
- 16. percutaneous coronary intervention
- 18. the use of ultrasound waves to investigate the action of the heart
- 19. When one of the vessels that lead to the brain either becomes blocked by a blood clot or bursts
- 21. vessels that return blood to the heart
- 1. cardiovascular disease
- 2. produce immages of your heart,lungs,etc
- 3. pumps blood through the system
- 5. to determind the stability of a given system
- 6. A condition in which the heart beats with an irregular or abnormal rhythm
- 7. a scientific examination of a sample
- 9. combining form indicating a blood vessel
- 10. meaning pertaining to
- 11. networks of small vessels that perfuse tissue
- 13. a combining form used like a prefix meaning "heart"
- 14. a magnetic resonance imaging to create pictures of your heart
- 17. drug-eluting stent
- 18. Electrocardiogram
- 20. bare metal stent