Unit 5: Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. A baseball has a ______ density than a rubber ball.
  2. 5. _______ is the name for all the continents as one landmass.
  3. 6. how much "stuff" in a certain amount of "space"
  4. 7. Alfred Wegener found the same kind of ________ on different continents, which supported his idea that the continents were once one.
  5. 9. movement of continents across Earth's surface
  6. 12. the _________ boundary is when the plates move away from each other
  7. 13. Earth's hard, outermost layer
  8. 15. when one plate slides below another
  9. 17. If an object's density is less than water, it will _______.
  10. 18. layer that is almost as hot as the surface of the Sun
  1. 1. underneath the Earth's crust, the largest layer
  2. 2. the _________ boundary is when the plates slide past each other
  3. 4. the ________ boundary is when the plates collide
  4. 8. If an object's density is more than water, it will _______.
  5. 10. pieces of Earth's crust and upper mantle; constantly drifting
  6. 11. A foam ball has a ______ density than a marble.
  7. 14. If an object's density is equal to water, it will _______.
  8. 16. liquid core, between the mantle and inner core