Unit 5 Structure of Government Vocabulary

  1. 3. group works together to achieve a goal
  2. 4. challenge a statement using opposite view
  3. 6. physical or legal boundaries of authority
  4. 11. request a case be reviewed by a higher court
  5. 12. suggested or expressed indirectly
  6. 15. person who allows another to act on behalf
  7. 16. speak with someone to provide information
  8. 17. govern by providing guides and limitations
  9. 18. well-being
  1. 1. a plan of action taken by a government
  2. 2. people who advise the leader of a country
  3. 5. a court ruling used for future rulings
  4. 7. a group of people united to promote a cause
  5. 8. person helps communication between groups
  6. 9. to charge a government official with a crime
  7. 10. ending a long debate by calling for a vote
  8. 13. a diplomatic agent of a government
  9. 14. obstruct legislation by lengthening debate