Unit 5 Vocabulary

  1. 5. The opposite is stranger or outsider
  2. 8. To be greedy or very hungry
  3. 11. It is the length of time that someting lasts
  4. 13. One aspect or side of a subject
  5. 15. To cause to lose feeling
  6. 16. To brag or rant
  7. 18. To scuffle or unravel
  8. 19. The opposite is blunted or mild
  1. 1. The state of being faithful
  2. 2. Another word for it is a series of notes
  3. 3. The opposite is to anger or ignite
  4. 4. The opposite is to advance or gain
  5. 6. The opposite is to be obediant
  6. 7. To be frightening or spooky
  7. 9. to outline or digest
  8. 10. To blunder or mess up
  9. 12. An antonym is guiltlessness
  10. 14. The opposite is to be discontended
  11. 17. To prove incorrect
  12. 20. To dawdle of dally