Unit 6

  1. 1. Morgan steel company
  2. 3. Tweed embezzlement during Guilded Age
  3. 7. Railroad across all of America
  4. 9. Mobilir Scandal insiders of Union Pacific Railway
  5. 11. Integration expand control to other business
  6. 14. Strike pay cuts led to revolts
  7. 16. Darwinism only fittest survive
  8. 19. Industrial Revolution more industry and monopolies
  9. 20. Age growing gap between rich and poor
  10. 21. Act 160 acres of land
  1. 2. Act reformed spoil system
  2. 4. Oil 90 percent of oil in America
  3. 5. give stocks to trustees
  4. 6. of 1873 too much work caused problems
  5. 8. Act antitrust laws
  6. 10. Exclusion Act barred Chinese from America
  7. 12. Carnegie self made rich man
  8. 13. Gospel Christian ethics to social problems
  9. 15. Integration merging to same production
  10. 17. Commerce address railroad abuse
  11. 18. Standard Oil