Unit 6: Food Production

  1. 2. harvesting too many fish
  2. 3. planting different crops in the same field from year to year
  3. 5. planting different crops in the same field at the same time
  4. 7. widespread replacement of local species for economically important species
  5. 8. decline of a fish population by 90% or more
  6. 9. when people do not have adaquete access to food for all or part of the year
  7. 11. planting strips of crops between rows of trees and shrubs
  8. 12. plowing the surface to break up soil
  9. 13. commercially harvestable population in a particular region
  10. 18. inability to obtain foods needed for a balanced diet
  11. 20. reduced plowing between plantings
  12. 21. growing fish and shellfish in tanks or seapens
  1. 1. when people consume too many calories a day
  2. 4. getting less than 2,000 calories a day for a healthy lifestyle
  3. 6. non target species that often get caught accidentally
  4. 10. planting other plants in crop rotation
  5. 13. a widespread shortage of food and mass starvation
  6. 14. farming that uses polycultures, small tools, and natural fertilizers that don't produce as much yield
  7. 15. land that is appropriate for farming
  8. 16. the main obstacle in obtaining a healthy diet
  9. 17. moving herds over long distances to reduce overgrazing
  10. 19. farming that uses monocultures, machines, chemical fertilizers and pesticides to produce high yield