Unit 6 It's a Crime!

  1. 3. to be like or similar to
  2. 8. a formal accusation that someone has done something illegal
  3. 9. a pair of metal rings joined by a chain, used for holding the wrists of a prisoner together
  4. 10. a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.
  5. 11. play behaviour that is unfair or dishonest
  6. 12. an evil or wicked person or character, especially in a story or play
  7. 13. fake
  1. 1. The court process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act
  2. 2. proof
  3. 4. Intended to hurt or harm
  4. 5. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
  5. 6. a type of hand gun
  6. 7. a technique to gain personal information for the purpose of identity theft, usually by means of fraudulent e-mail