Unit 6 Review

  1. 4. As Mongols rode into battle, they used ____ to attack their enemies
  2. 5. a military leader in Japan until the middle of the 19th century
  3. 10. the Korean alphabet, invented by King Sejong
  4. 13. Korean scholars during the Joseon Dynasty were known as _____.
  5. 14. This Mongol leader who came after Genghis Khan conquered much land, including in India, and left behind a bloody legacy.
  6. 17. Kamikaze, or "divine ____," is the Japanese term for the storm that destroyed a Mongol invasion fleet
  7. 18. the native religion of Japan
  8. 19. Mongol horses: large or small?
  9. 21. the kind of ship Korea used to defeat a Japanese invasion in the 16th century
  10. 22. Like medieval Europe, medieval Japan had a _____ society.
  11. 23. gunpowder was invented by the ____
  12. 25. because of Mongol conquests and governance, this famous trade route across Asia flourished
  13. 26. Under the Mongols, did trade in China increase or decrease?
  14. 27. The ___ Mongolica was a period of peace and prosperity in the lands ruled by the Mongols.
  1. 1. Which of the following companies is Korean? Nabisco, Samsung, Space-X, Toshiba
  2. 2. Confucianism: 'religion' or way of 'thinking'?
  3. 3. The only country from the following list that is completely landlocked (meaning it does not touch the ocean): China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea
  4. 6. famous Chinese explorer during the Ming Dynasty
  5. 7. _____ Khan: Mongol leader of the Yuan Dynasty
  6. 8. The Mandate of ______ is what Chinese rulers needed in order to be considered legitimate.
  7. 9. Buddhism went from India to China to _____ to Japan
  8. 11. The Mongols conquered large parts of this European nation
  9. 12. During the Joseon dynasty, Korea was ruled by ____.
  10. 15. Daimyo is to Lord as Samurai is to _____
  11. 16. Hundreds of years before America, Mongols allowed freedom of _____.
  12. 18. Buddhism is about ending _____ by being free of desire.
  13. 19. a large area of land without trees, especially in Russia, Asia, and eastern Europe
  14. 20. Japan is an archipelago. Korea is a(n) ______
  15. 23. Confucianism came from ____.
  16. 24. the Japanese word for "spirit"