Unit 6 VA Studies

  1. 4. this department provides programs to benefit Virginia's students
  2. 8. The Virginia General assembly is this branch
  3. 9. what Virginia citizen's pay for services such as schools and libraries
  4. 11. a group of citizens who share many of the same ideas about goverment
  5. 12. group of citizens chosen to hear facts in court
  6. 14. chooses
  1. 1. state's court system
  2. 2. the branch that makes sure laws are carried out
  3. 3. the department that manages the national parks
  4. 5. Headquarters of security, located near Washington DC
  5. 6. number of presidents born in Virginia
  6. 7. The first 10 amendments to our constitution
  7. 10. number of years we have a presidential election
  8. 13. the department that is in charge of national security