Unit 6 Vocab (Farming/Irrigation types)

  1. 2. releases water near roots through small pipes, most sustainable
  2. 3. pumps water from underground to spray on crops
  3. 4. moving herds over distances to feed, not on the same lot
  4. 6. aka Alley cropping, planting rows of crops between rows of (fruit) trees
  5. 8. "High density farming", animal farming in lots for max profit
  6. 10. planting non-target plants to protect the target pant & land
  7. 11. clearing of large fields by cutting and burning away brush for agricultural (typically plantation) purposes
  8. 13. grows more than one crop in a field at a time
  9. 16. the farming of herbivorous fish in pens for market
  10. 18. also no-, reduced plowing between plantings
  1. 1. planting different crops in the same field year after year, changing though crops
  2. 5. growing 2 crops on the same plot at the same time
  3. 7. planting one thing year after year in the same field
  4. 9. aka furrow irrigation, easiest/cheapest, drowning a field to water it
  5. 12. commercially harvestable fish population
  6. 14. plowing the surface to break up the soil
  7. 15. planting several types of crops at a time on the same lot
  8. 17. agribusiness, widespread planting of non-native crop for profit