Unit 6 - Vocabulary Review

  1. 6. My uncle is …………………. he has to use a wheelchair.
  2. 7. I …………………. action movies. I prefer science fiction.
  3. 9. Can you play a musical ………………….?
  4. 10. My friend and I had a …………………. about which Korean city was the best. He said Busan and I said Seoul.
  1. 1. When you go for a job interview, your …………………. is very important. You should wear nice clothes and get a haircut.
  2. 2. My best friend is so …………………., even in difficult situations. My sister, however, is quite negative.
  3. 3. Our football team only had 9 players, but the other team had 11 players. It was a big ………………….
  4. 4. I used to be a really …………………. person when I was younger, but now I get tired easily.
  5. 5. There is a …………………. that it will rain tomorrow.
  6. 8. Kpop is really …………………. throughout Asia.