Unit 6/8 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Examples for future cases.
  2. 3. OJ Simpson was ________ of his criminal charges.
  3. 7. You can't be arrested/searched without a ____________.
  4. 8. Being informed of your charges.
  5. 9. In a criminal case, the jury is required to be ________.
  6. 10. An example of these is: "You have the right to remain silent."
  7. 13. Jurisdiction can be exclusive or ____________.
  8. 15. Murder is a _________.
  9. 16. When you file a lawsuit, you are the ________.
  10. 17. I'm not satisfied with the decision, I'm going to _________ my case.
  11. 18. In court, you must convince this group of people.
  1. 1. The District Court has Original _________ on my case.
  2. 4. When you are guilty of a crime, you are _______ for that charge.
  3. 5. A judge can write a ________ disagreeing with the majority opinion.
  4. 6. During the _________, the defendant pleads guilty or not guilty.
  5. 11. The calendar of court cases.
  6. 12. The prosecution goes against this person/side.
  7. 13. Divorce, Child Support, and Contracts are all examples of _________ _________.
  8. 14. Gives the reasoning behind a particular side in a case.
  9. 16. When you lie after being sworn in, that is committing ___________.