Unit 7

  1. 1. helps us track down criminals who operate on a worldwide scale
  2. 2. Established to provide safe affordable housing and to have more attractive cities
  3. 4. package guys
  4. 5. Highest ranking members of the US military
  5. 6. headquarters of this is the pentagon
  6. 7. Provides grants for artistic endeavors and scientific research
  7. 8. Watchdog agency to ensure that activities of federal office stay within budget guidelines
  8. 9. Coordinates and regulates the network of farm credit associations.
  9. 10. Insuressome mortgages that private banks make to homeowners
  10. 11. Insures the deposits that people have in the bank.
  11. 13. Coordinates intelligence of the government
  12. 15. One of the main reasons that the federal budget have grown over the last 25 years
  13. 17. oversee actions in 6 geographic areas of the world (Africa, Central, European, Northern, Pacific, Southern)
  14. 18. Enforce provisions of labor laws
  15. 19. Provides assistance and loans to small businesses
  16. 20. Insures that companies that sell stocks can’t lie about their profits and losses
  17. 21. Establishes rules for air traffic
  18. 22. These corporations make a profit by charging fees to investors who buy loan packages
  1. 1. Checks the accuracy of tax returns that citizens send in
  2. 3. The head of this is the attorney general
  3. 4. Inspects and grades foods that farmers produce
  4. 7. Issues weather forecasts and weather data from satellites and such
  5. 9. Leads federal governments response to natural disasters like hurricanes and floods
  6. 10. Regulates communication by radio, television, and phone
  7. 12. Pulls together 22 agencies into one unified organization (Secret service and Customs Service Coast Gaurd Transportation Security Administration Immigration and Naturalization Service Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  8. 14. 7 member panel has the job of overseeing the practice of railroads
  9. 16. Congress Established this in 1953
  10. 17. Mailman
  11. 18. space stuff
  12. 21. Packages mortgages loans and sells large packages to investors