unit 7

  1. 2. warm thing you wear on your body in winter (UK)
  2. 5. big car to transport things (UK)
  3. 6. world's most popular sport (US)
  4. 8. a house in a big building (US)
  5. 9. where you leave your car when you go shopping (UK)
  6. 10. go to a different country to relax (UK)
  7. 11. big car to transport things (US)
  8. 15. world's most popular sport (UK)
  9. 16. a dessert you have with tea. eg with chocolate chips (UK)
  10. 17. long shorts you wear on your legs (US)
  11. 18. warm thing you wear on your body in winter (US)
  12. 19. long shorts you wear on your legs (UK)
  1. 1. flying transport (US)
  2. 3. where you leave your car when you go shopping (US)
  3. 4. flying transport (UK)
  4. 6. what you wear on your feet (US)
  5. 7. what you wear on your feet (UK)
  6. 12. a dessert you have with tea. eg with chocolate chips (US)
  7. 13. go to a different country to relax (US)
  8. 14. a house in a big building (UK)