Unit 7 Acronyms

  1. 2. replaced federal security agency
  2. 3. nicknamed fannie mae, federal mortgage association
  3. 6. also known as freddie mac
  4. 7. pentagon department of protection
  5. 9. coordinates and regulates the network of farm credit associations
  6. 13. highest ranking members of the military
  7. 14. provides grants for artistic endeavors and for scientific research
  8. 15. organizes our national space exploration program
  9. 18. military groups that oversee actions in six geographic areas
  10. 20. oversees 22 agencies that help to make our nation safe from attacks
  11. 22. collects statistics on diseases and formulates policies for reducing disease
  12. 24. provides assistance, information, and loans to small businesses
  13. 26. program created to develop the resources of the area in and around the Tennessee River
  14. 28. department that oversees medicare and Medicaid
  15. 29. administration that issues weather forecasts
  1. 1. leads the federal government's response to natural disasters
  2. 3. regulates communication by radio, tv, telephone, and internet
  3. 4. backs up the National Labor Relations Act of 1935
  4. 5. department that ensures safe, affordable housing for all people
  5. 6. establishes federal rules for air traffic
  6. 8. conducts legal business of the US government
  7. 10. coordinates the intelligence-gathering work of the government
  8. 11. federal agency that inspects and grades food
  9. 12. cousin to freddie and fannie, known as ginnie mae
  10. 16. agency that makes sure that companies which sell stocks tell the truth about their profits/losses
  11. 17. bears the risk of bank failures
  12. 18. public corporation that delivers mail and maintains post offices
  13. 19. originally formed to oversee railroads, ended in 1995
  14. 21. a watchdog agency to ensure that the activities of the federal offices stay within the law and budget
  15. 23. oversees the nation's transportation system
  16. 25. collective defense among countries
  17. 27. insures some mortgages that private makes make to homeowners, type of loan easier to obtain