Unit 7: Agriculture and Land Use

  1. 2. acronym for concentrated animal feeding operation (slaughter house)
  2. 4. soil forms as rock undergoes which process
  3. 7. the layer that occupies the A Horizon
  4. 9. this can be harmful to Aquatic life if large amounts are deposited from the atmosphere to surface waters
  5. 11. the layer that occupies the B Horizon
  6. 15. farming style that is primitive (old)
  7. 17. a cross section of the layers of soil beneath the surface
  8. 18. meaning animals graze freely
  9. 20. the intermediate size of rock particles
  10. 21. farming style where farmers' produce is solely for the farmer's consumption, leftovers sold on the market
  11. 22. it's a bird, a plane, no it's a negative effect of using pesticides
  12. 23. farming style that uses advanced technology (equipment)
  1. 1. one of the boundary layers of mature soil
  2. 3. rock material from which soil is formed
  3. 5. increased nutrients in a body of water
  4. 6. acronym for genetically modified organism
  5. 8. decayed plant and animal material
  6. 10. the shape of the soil texture clasification
  7. 12. the largest particle size of rock particles
  8. 13. soil erosion is caused by water and ____
  9. 14. growing one crop only
  10. 16. the smallest particle size of rock particles
  11. 19. plot is planted with several varieties of the same crop