Unit 7: Agriculture Study Guide

  1. 4. Method in farming which deals with moving water to crops
  2. 7. Movement which increased the amount of food on the planet
  3. 11. Farming led to an increase in this in order to acquire more land
  4. 13. How humans acquired food before AR
  5. 14. When your country does not have a reliable access to food... food __________
  6. 15. Invented the Green Revolution
  7. 16. Because farming is hard, humans needed what to help
  8. 17. The amount of crops one gets from their field
  9. 18. Gives nutrients to the soil, but also poisons groundwater
  10. 20. Farming becoming more machine oriented rather than using human labor
  1. 1. One of the characteristics of a food desert
  2. 2. Dr. Vandana Shiva's view on the Green Revolution
  3. 3. Why people starve even though we produce enough food
  4. 5. An option for people living in a food desert
  5. 6. Countries like the US who have more than enough food have food _________
  6. 8. One of the negatives of the AR... Destroying the _________________
  7. 9. Creature being domesticated by the ancient Greeks
  8. 10. An alternative to foraging & agriculture
  9. 12. Humans had more of this before the AR
  10. 18. Best Gig Before the AR
  11. 19. Country where Borlaug first went to help the farmers; Mrs.Dula lived here