unit 8

  1. 3. to lessen the amount of waste used
  2. 4. taking old materials and making them new
  3. 8. making old materials new
  4. 9. Has a linear
  5. 13. the amount of time needed for half a material to decaay
  6. 16. we would have less trash if we ______ some items
  7. 17. triangle that explains the strategies of MSW
  8. 18. Sum of generated waste
  9. 19. Toxic Substances Control Act
  10. 20. a waste with multiple heavy metals
  1. 1. biological degradation of organic material
  2. 2. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
  3. 5. Comprehensive Enviromental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
  4. 6. burning of municipal solid waste
  5. 7. we need to _____ the amount of trash we use
  6. 10. cargo ship that dumped ash
  7. 11. very Polluted way to dump
  8. 12. using recycling bins and getting money back when returned
  9. 14. place that hazardous plant sold to school
  10. 15. Town that had a lot of sickness due to Georgia powers pollution