Unit 8 APUSH

  1. 1. The ideological struggle between communism (Soviet Union) and capitalism (United States) for world influence.
  2. 3. Involved Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who were American communists. They were executed for passing nuclear weapons secrets to the USSR.
  3. 6. Passed in 1947 in response to perceived threats from the Soviet Union after WWII.
  4. 7. relaxation of tensions between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, the Soviet Union and China
  5. 10. Policy introduced by Truman after WWII that said the duty of the U.S. was to stop the spread of Communism and Soviet influence.
  6. 12. North Korea invading South Korea
  7. 13. scandal in which a group of men hired by Nixon's reelection committee were caught breaking into offices in the Democratic national headquarters in Washington
  8. 15. Provided for college or vocational training for returning WWII veterans as well as one year of unemployment compensation.
  9. 16. sat in the front of the bus, protesting equal rights for blacks.
  10. 19. volunteers who helped nations prevent the spread of communism by getting rid of poverty.
  1. 1. The point of highest tensions of the United States and the Soviet Union.
  2. 2. In 1949, the United States, Canada, and ten European nations formed this military mutual defense pact.
  3. 4. 1954 supreme court ruling reversing the policy of segregation in school.
  4. 5. International organization founded in 1945 to promote world peace and cooperation. It replaced the League of Nations.
  5. 8. Eisenhower proposed and obtained a joint resolution from Congress authorizing the use of U.S. military forces to intervene in any country that appeared likely to fall to communism.
  6. 9. Amendment that limited the presidents terms to two years
  7. 11. Unsuccessful invasion of Cuba during the cold war.
  8. 14. pledged to provide U.S. military and economic aid to any nation threatened by communism.
  9. 17. National worries about the infiltration of communistic ideologies in the United States.
  10. 18. involved the United States and Soviet Russia, sparked fear in the advance in technology and outer space.