Unit 8 Crossword

  1. 3. Totalitarianism needs the ____ in order to spread propaganda
  2. 4. Leader of Great Britain during WWII (last name)
  3. 5. problem Germany faced when they attempted to print more money in response to their economic hardships
  4. 7. invaded China for for its raw materials and land
  5. 9. The Iron Curtain
  6. 12. Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, and the Alliance System are the four ____ of WWI
  7. 14. Totalitarianism has ____ control over its people
  8. 15. Country that greatly aided Americans during the Pacific War
  9. 18. Created the book Mein Kampf and the Aryan Race ideology
  1. 1. The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started which world war
  2. 2. Which U.S. president implemented a government spending program in the 1930s in response to the Great Depression
  3. 3. Caused trench warfare to be used in WWI (a weapon)
  4. 6. What type of group uses nationalism as a motivator
  5. 8. Germany's invasion of which country started World War II
  6. 10. Blitzkrieg means "____ war"
  7. 11. Russia's _____ contributed to the Germany's failed invasion of the Soviet Union
  8. 13. Scientist that created theory for time and space
  9. 15. The Panama Canal was the center of trade for this Major group in WWII in
  10. 16. Germany, Italy, and Japan created an alliance known as the _____ in WWII
  11. 17. Germany helped send this communist leader back to Russia