Unit 8: Industrialism and Inventions

  1. 2. exposed the corruption in business etc
  2. 6. breaking manufacturing process into steps
  3. 10. men that made money off backs of employees
  4. 12. anti-trust act that broke up monopolies
  5. 14. titan of oil
  6. 19. organization that used bribery to control the government
  7. 20. where manufactured goods are made
  8. 21. President that busted up monopolies and created National Parks
  9. 22. created the assembly line
  10. 23. started the Tuskeegee Institute
  1. 1. the fear or dislike of immigrants
  2. 2. to have control over an entire industry
  3. 3. french word for "to leave alone"
  4. 4. a person from another country
  5. 5. founder of the Hull House
  6. 7. titan of railroads
  7. 8. when workers refuse to work
  8. 9. titan of steel
  9. 11. to give someone the right to vote
  10. 13. titan of banking
  11. 15. scientist that believed in "survival of the fittest"
  12. 16. estate located in Asheville built by Vanderbilt
  13. 17. an organization set up to look out for workers
  14. 18. the way goods were transported over land