Unit 8 - Motivation and Emotion

  1. 3. this theory of motivation argues that we engage in behaviors for the rewards we get afterwards
  2. 6. this type of motivation is present only when reinforcers are available
  3. 8. this part of the brain is heavily involved with motivation to eat
  4. 12. one of the more difficult "universal emotions" to identify
  5. 16. this biological influence on hunger determines how quickly we burn calories
  6. 17. this type of social motivation explain why those in solitary confinement report extremely high levels of depression
  7. 18. culture specific customs that regulate when it is appropriate to show express emotion visibly
  8. 21. this nervous system returns your body to a resting state
  9. 22. reason for eating when the bell rings for lunch
  1. 1. this theory would argue that if you are feeling depressed you should try to smile as much as possible to change your mood
  2. 2. effect defined as the reduction in intrinsic motivation when external reward is provided
  3. 3. this theory of emotion argues that are motivations are driven by pre-wired genetic drives
  4. 4. Paul Ekman researched remote tribes to establish that there are 7 basic emotions in this theory
  5. 5. one of the major topics of this unit
  6. 7. this nervous system is triggered when you experience fear
  7. 9. this theory of motivation argues that humans don’t always seek to reduce drives but actually seek out excitement
  8. 10. this theory of emotion argues that how you label physiological responses with your mind is what creates emotion (e.g. Schacter-Singer).
  9. 11. second level on maslow’s pyramid
  10. 12. theory that holds humans experience emotion at the same time as physiological responses.
  11. 13. this theory of motivation that we seek to return to homeostasis
  12. 14. this law argues that the optimal level of arousal depends on the difficulty of the task
  13. 15. this guy is the architect of the hierarchy of needs
  14. 19. this type of motivation is present without reinforcers
  15. 20. this theory would support the idea that my racing heart causes anxiety
  16. 23. the other major topic of this unit