unit 8 project

  1. 3. An activity in which a family produces only the food, clothing, and shelter they themselves need.
  2. 5. the first settlers of New Zealand, who had migrated from Polynesia more than 1,000 years ago.
  3. 9. in Australia, what Aboriginal people today call the 100,000 mixed-race children who were taken by the government and given to white families to promote assimilation.
  4. 11. region that includes Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands (over 20,000 islands).
  5. 12. a people who migrated to Australia from Asia at least 40,000 years ago; the original settlers of the land.
  6. 13. located in New Zealand, and is the location of where their founding document was signed
  7. 15. A place to send prisoners
  8. 16. A small ship used in the lagoons of islands where Pacific Islanders settled.
  1. 1. A large ship developed by Pacific Islanders to sail the ocean.
  2. 2. in Australia, the court ruled in this case that Aboriginal people could claim land held under pastoral lease.
  3. 4. designed to provide an agreement for the future care and use of Antarctica
  4. 6. A process whereby a minority group gradually gives up its own culture and adopts the culture of a majority group.
  5. 7. a state organized as a ring of power around a central court, which often changed in size over time, and which was used instead of borders in early Southeast Asia states.
  6. 8. A Maori term for white people who live in New Zealand.
  7. 10. tropical Asian plant with a starchy root, which can be eaten as a boiled vegetable or made into breads, puddings, or a paste called poi.
  8. 14. A dried meat of coconuts