Unit 8 Vocab

  1. 2. gaseous resource that forms near oil deposits
  2. 4. a liquid energy resource that forms from microorganisms over millions of years
  3. 7. An energy-rich resource formed from the buried remains of once-living organisms.
  4. 10. rock that forms when sediments are compacted and cemented together.
  5. 12. binding and hardening of sediments into hard rock.
  1. 1. a physical structure on Earth that occurs naturally.
  2. 3. Very small pieces of rock, sand, and silt carried by water.
  3. 5. pressure from rocks and soil reduces the size or volume of sediments.
  4. 6. sediment is deposited in a new location.
  5. 8. breaking down rocks into smaller pieces.
  6. 9. A solid energy resource that forms from ancient plants over millions of years
  7. 11. the movement of weathered material by wind, water, or ice.