Unit D Crossword - Angelica

  1. 3. done when a force acts on an object to make the object move
  2. 5. part of a bicycle that transfers your energy from the pedals to the back wheel
  3. 9. simple machine that consists of a cylinder with a groove cut in a spiral on the outside
  4. 10. force applied to the machine
  5. 11. part of a bicycle that uses a lever to increase the force you apply with your hands
  6. 12. tool or machine made up of one basic machine
  7. 16. simple machine that looks like an inclined plane, but is forced into an object
  8. 20. simple machine that allows you to lift larger loads than you could lift on your own using a wire, rope or cable moving on a grooved wheel
  9. 21. amount by which a machine can multiply a force (calculated by dividing output force by input force)
  10. 22. force that opposes motion
  11. 23. simple machine made up of a rigid bar or plank that rotates on a fulcrum or pivot
  12. 24. type of simple machine made up of two wheels of different diameters that turn together
  1. 1. amount of force applied to a given area
  2. 2. smaller group of parts within a complex machine that performs a specific function
  3. 4. law that states when pressure is applied to liquid in a container, the pressure and force is transmitted equally throughout the liquid
  4. 6. system that uses liquid under pressure to move loads & works according to Pascal's law
  5. 7. system in which numerous simple machines work together
  6. 8. pair of wheels with teeth that when they rotate together, one gearwheel transfers turning motion and force to the other
  7. 10. simple machine made up of a flat surface, such as a board, at an angle to another flat surface
  8. 13. device that helps us do work on a daily basis
  9. 14. measure of how the speed of the object is affected by a machine (calculated by dividing the input distance by the output distance)
  10. 15. a type of simple machine used to haul water out of a well for storage in large tanks or for irrigation
  11. 17. the force the machine applies to the object
  12. 18. measurement of how well a machine or device uses energy
  13. 19. the energy source of a car that causes pistons to move when combusted