unit d - drew kinney

  1. 4. uses wire, a rope or a cable to PULL things easier
  2. 5. a machine that uses liquid under pressure to move load
  3. 6. a type of simple machine that is a ramp which makes it easier to lift objects then lift them straight up
  4. 7. the force that is applied from the machine to an object
  5. 11. - a tool that is made up of one basic machine
  6. 12. the measure of the amount force is applied to an object
  7. 13. transfers energy from an engine to the wheels
  8. 17. a simple machine that is forced into an object.(hint: knife)
  9. 18. force that is applied to the machine
  10. 20. transfers your energy to do a specific function
  11. 21. essential part of most machines
  12. 22. a cylinder with a groove cut with a spiral around it
  13. 23. a force that applies motion
  14. 24. - a structure helps use do our work easier
  1. 1. a tool made out of several different types of simple machines
  2. 2. when force acts on an object to make it move
  3. 3. a term that is used to explain that using a simple machine helps apply force to move an object
  4. 8. a combination between 2 wheels with different diameters
  5. 9. measurement of how well a machine uses energy
  6. 10. a group of parts that work together to preform a function
  7. 11. like in a bike, a group of parts that help it do a specific function such as breaking or steering
  8. 14. the speed of an object
  9. 15. - a rigid bar or plank that rotates on a fixed point known as a fulcrum
  10. 16. the physical form of an object/device that makes it usable
  11. 19. when pressure is applied on an object it travels in all directions