Unit I

  1. 2. Endowed with knowledge, wisdom and science
  2. 3. * One who materializes his ideas, has expectation for healthiness of mind and realizes the same is known as human-being.
  3. 5. Same as conscious (unit) – see above
  4. 10. Steadfastness (dheerta), Courage (veerta) and Generosity (udarta) are humane-nature, or innate-nature of humansInnate-nature of super-humanness is: kindness (daya), graciousness (krupa) and compassion (karuna).
  5. 13. Aphorisms & exposition of development, complementariness and transformational changes in existence.Developed unit being conducive for the development of undeveloped unit – complementariness
  6. 14. Study and exposition of aphorisms of mediating-omnipotence, mediating -activity, mediating -potential and mediating -jeevan in coexistence# Translators notes: mediating = madhyasth
  7. 16. * Material and conscious nature saturated in all-pervasive-entity, in Omnipotence (space).
  8. 17. Cognition, accomplished with knowledge, wisdom & scienceKnowledge, equilibrium energy, space, absolute-force
  1. 1. * Cunningness (heenta), wretchedness (deenta), and cruelness (kroorta) alone are inhuman-nature.
  2. 4. Consciousness Awakened human being, free of illusion, living with knowledge and progeny-motive, prosperity-motive and fame-motive.
  3. 6. Restraining of positive and negative (properties). The grandeur of normalizing of all excited-states and remaining unaffected by excited-states
  4. 7. * The unit without any thinking-aspect, whose span of function is limited to its length, width, and height.#Translators notes: Insentient, or ‘inert’ in the sense it is not conscious
  5. 8. Conduct Behavior of righteous-wealth, Righteous husband/wife relationship, and kindness in work and behavior. Recognition of relationships, fulfillment of valuesEntire work, behavior, thought done as an inseparable active-presence of values, character & ethics.
  6. 9. consciousness Awakened human being living with knowledge and only fame-motive.
  7. 11. Human being living in delusion# Translators notes: lack of knowledge, un-awakened
  8. 12. * Status of nature (physical, chemical, and conscious) soaked, submerged and enveloped in Omnipresence, Omnipotence, space.# Omnipresence: all-pervasive
  9. 15. Shape, surface are and volume