Unit Nine Part One Review

  1. 2. Controversial chemical sprayed from planes and helicopters to kill the dense vegetation but resulted in high cancer rates (2 words/no spaces)
  2. 3. Resolution that approved the president "to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression" (3 words/no spaces)
  3. 5. The Korean War reached a _____ in 1953 and remains divided until today
  4. 9. Communist leader of North Vietnam who successfully conducted a guerilla war (3 words/no spaces)
  5. 12. Theory that if one country fell to communism then others would fall as well
  6. 14. The Vietnam War began under President _____
  7. 15. Individual who became president on 4/12/45 when FDR died
  8. 16. Term used to describe alleged lies, distortion, and innuendo
  9. 17. University where protests turned violent when four students were killed by the National Guard (2 words/no spaces)
  10. 21. Confidential information that was stolen and then released publicly showing the government and media cover up of the true extent of the Vietnam War (2 words/no spaces)
  11. 22. The most serious military conflict of the cold war occurred on the Asian peninsula of _____
  12. 23. Controversial petroleum based chemical that would burn away dense vegetation, but resulted in the burning of homes and significant harm to civilians
  13. 24. Village that was supposedly harboring Viet Cong, but actually wasn't (2 words/no spaces)
  1. 1. Innovation used during the Korean and Vietnam Wars that allowed for quick evacuations of injured soldiers
  2. 4. Organization that was an idealistic effort to maintain peace(2 words/no spaces)
  3. 6. The entirety of Vietnam was _____ in 1975 under communism
  4. 7. President that greatly escalated the war in Vietnam
  5. 8. Senator who was closely associated with the Red Scare
  6. 10. Period of tension and intense competition, which only occasionally flared up into actual military conflict (2 words/no spaces)
  7. 11. Both North Korea and North Vietnam were controlled by a ______ government
  8. 13. Pro-Communist South Vietnamese forces that the US was fighting in addition to the North Vietnamese troops (2 words/no spaces)
  9. 18. President that removed the final American troops from Vietnam
  10. 19. The first American deaths in Vietnam occurred during President ____'s administration
  11. 20. Korea had been divided along the 38th _______