Unit One - Exploration and Colonization

  1. 1. Name of the main tribe that allied with the French during the French and Indian War
  2. 3. Name of the colony settled by the Pilgrims in 1620 that faced many struggles, which they were able to overcome (2 words/no spaces)
  3. 6. Country that was mostly motivated by desire for new land and resources and predominantly came over as families (2 words/no space)
  4. 13. Country that established trading posts in North America and got along well with the Native Americans
  5. 15. Country that was among the first to explore, was mostly motivated by gold and glory
  6. 16. Total number of British colonies in North America, would become the first states in the US
  7. 19. The ___ was rapidly increasing during this time period which was a major motivation for westward movement
  8. 20. Name of the first permanent British colony, established in 1607, located in Virginia
  9. 22. The actual name of the Intolerable Acts was the ____ Acts
  10. 24. Last name of the main British General during the French and Indian War
  11. 27. Type of crops produced to make profit such as cotton, sugar, and tobacco
  12. 29. Name of the ship that the Pilgrims arrived on and had to spend their first winter on due to the lack of houses built before winter
  13. 30. The French and Indian War is known as the _____ Years' War in Europe even though it lasted from 1754-1763 in the colonies
  14. 32. Name of the fort rapidly built by the British in responses to the French's Fort Duquesne
  15. 33. Colonial region that had the highest slave population
  16. 34. Colonial region that relied the most on trade, shipbuilding, and fishing/whaling (2 words/no space)
  17. 35. Acts that included the closing of Boston Harbor were nicknamed the _____ Acts by the colonists because of how "unfair" they were
  1. 2. Country that became Britain's biggest rival in North America following the end of the French and Indian War
  2. 4. Country that came over with the smallest number of people of the five we discussed, predominantly motivated by trade (2 words/no space)
  3. 5. Colonial region that was the most diverse ethnically and religiously
  4. 7. The ___ won the French and Indian War
  5. 8. Last name of the individual who proposed the Albany Plan of Union
  6. 9. Last name of the individual who saved Jamestown with the production of tobacco
  7. 10. Type of crops that are necessary for survival such as wheat and corn
  8. 11. Last name of the farmer turned soldier who became a great military leader despite a rough beginning
  9. 12. Some colonist came to the New World for _____ freedom as the struggle between Catholicism and Protestantism was going on in Europe
  10. 14. Name of the first attempted British colony, now known as the Lost Colony
  11. 15. Act that enforced a tax on all paper goods including newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards
  12. 16. Act that enforced taxes on lead, glass, and paint as a way to raise more revenue for the British government and first led to the use of the phrase "No Taxation without Representation"
  13. 17. Fertile region that was in dispute at the start of the French and Indian War where the French built Fort Duquesne (3 words/no space)
  14. 18. Country that was the first to explore in South America, but was quickly surpassed by Spain
  15. 21. Revolt that happened as a result of the passage of the Tea Act
  16. 23. New England had the most established ____, other regions would predominantly educate their children at home
  17. 25. Act that required colonists to provide food, shelter, drink, and fuel for the British soldiers
  18. 26. The Proclamation Line used the ____ mountains as the border between where the colonists should settle and where the Native Americans would retain control
  19. 28. Number of the regions of British colonies
  20. 31. Name of the Chief of the Ottawa who led an uprising against the British following the removal of the French from North America