Unit one vocab review

  1. 3. / Small group of people have all the power
  2. 5. / Were one person has all of the power
  3. 7. theory / Elites include businessmen, the wealthy, the media, union leaders, and others.
  4. 8. / The ability to rule absolutely within a state
  5. 11. theory / Government grew out of a family authority
  6. 15. colonies / Run like Royal Colonies, but by Proprietor
  7. 16. Services / Government services given to the public
  8. 17. theory / Were a group of people overthrow the government to become the government
  9. 20. / Legislative body having two branches or chambers
  10. 23. colonies / Colonies owned by king George
  11. 25. minister / Can control parliament
  12. 26. Franklin / He did the kite experiment to find out about electricity
  13. 27. Locke / Created the social contract theory
  14. 28. Carta / A document giving the lords rights in Britain
  15. 29. / Ruled by religious leaders
  16. 31. colonies / Colonists choose there own officials
  17. 34. Bill of Rights / The first attempt at a government for the United States
  18. 35. / Legislative body having one house or chamber
  19. 36. / One person has all the power there are two type of this
  20. 37. / Unitary individual states join together under a united government
  21. 39. Order / Governments have to maintain this to assure that war doesn't break out
  22. 41. Jefferson / Drafted the declaration of independence
  23. 42. / Four basic features territory, population, sovereignty and government
  1. 1. system / A system were the checks and balances kept one group from having to much power
  2. 2. / You need this if an invading country threatens you
  3. 4. Democracy / Democracy were the people vote on everything
  4. 6. / Small group of the wealthy rule
  5. 9. rights / Rights that all people are born with
  6. 10. / Another word for government
  7. 12. government / System were the central government makes all the decisions
  8. 13. of Independence / Document made in 1776 to tell king George about the colonists unhappiness
  9. 14. elite theory / Elites are business leaders key politicians and top military officers
  10. 15. system / Type of government developed in Great Britain
  11. 18. George III / Monarch that ruled Britain during the revolutionary war
  12. 19. theory / Government is a tool of the rich
  13. 21. / A system to keep order in a country
  14. 22. theory / Elites are those who work behind the scenes
  15. 24. / Type of government were the people have the power
  16. 30. right theory / Theory that the monarch got the right to rule from god
  17. 32. contract theory / Theory that society is a contract with the government
  18. 33. government / Halfway between unitary government and a confederation
  19. 36. Monarchy / Type of monarchy that the dictator has all the power
  20. 38. Democracy / Type of democracy that the people elect someone to vote on laws for them
  21. 40. centralism / Must join one party to enter politics