Unit Three Part Two Review

  1. 2. Supreme Court case that is considered the most far-reaching of the Marshall court and created implied powers (3 words/no spaces)
  2. 5. Monroe's popularity, the glow of postwar triumph, and the collapse of all political opposition led to the nickname The Era of ___ ____ (2 words/no spaces)
  3. 8. this allowed the US to more than double in size after this transaction between Napoleon Bonaparte and Thomas Jefferson (2 words/no spaces)
  4. 10. Act which restored some international trade, though not with Great Britain (2 words, no hyphen or space)
  5. 13. Jefferson's response to the Alien and Sedition Acts (2 words/no space)
  6. 15. Battle that was the most stunning victory of the War of 1812 (2 words/no spaces)
  7. 17. Chief adversary of William Henry Harrison that proposed joining all Indian tribes into a single confederation with himself as head
  8. 18. 1801 act which increased the number of federal judges were nicknamed the "Midnight Appointments" (2 words/no space)
  9. 19. those who advocated more flexibility on a given issue (2 words/no space)
  10. 20. Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review (3 words/no spaces)
  11. 21. Supreme Court case that protected the federal government's delegated powers in regulating interstate commerce (3 words/no spaces)
  12. 25. the first ten amendments to the Constitution (3 words/no space)
  13. 29. Washington's influential farewell address outlined America's basic ____ ____ until WWII
  14. 30. French ambassador who arrived and attempted to break the US's neutrality, ultimately ruining his own reputation
  15. 35. Revolutionary War hero hired to "crush the Indians"
  16. 37. The nickname given to the presidencies of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe (2 words/ no space)
  17. 39. an army officer who directed two important expeditions in the early 1800s
  18. 41. Convention that opposed the war and hinted that New England might secede, which led to the end of the Federalist party
  19. 42. nickname given to the prowar representatives led by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun (2 words/no spaces)
  20. 43. Doctrine that stated European nations could not intervene in the Western Hemisphere and the US wouldn't meddle in European affairs
  21. 45. this conflict resembling a war occupied much of Adams's time as president
  22. 48. In 1793, Washington issued a Proclamation of _____ during the French Revolution stating the US would not get involved on either side
  23. 49. Negotiation between the US and France when code named US diplomats were sent to France much to the incense of many Americans (2 words/no space)
  24. 50. a leader in the House of Representatives
  25. 51. became Secretary of the Treasury under Washington
  1. 1. Ransom was paid to these until Jefferson ended the practice with an invasion at Tripoli (2 words/no spaces)
  2. 3. also known as the Democratic-Republicans who viewed themselves as the last line of defense between Federalist "tyranny" and American liberty
  3. 4. a series of four acts where the Federalist controlled Congress sought to silence their political opponents (4 words/no space)
  4. 6. Tennessee general who was authorized to help the friendly Creeks and to defend the south against the British
  5. 7. this 1789 act organized 13 district courts, established three Circuit Courts, and set the number of Supreme Court justices at 6 (2 words/no space)
  6. 9. Battle that resulted in the Treaty of Fort Greenville where the Indians surrendered all rights to the southern half of Ohio (2 words/no spaces)
  7. 11. Rebellion crushed in 1794 after backcountry farmers were looking for ways to avoid taxes and became violent
  8. 12. Macon's Bill Number ____ restored all trade and said that the US would restore trade with England or France depending on who would repeal its antitrade regulations
  9. 14. nickname given to the USS Constitution during the War of 1812 (2 words/no spaces)
  10. 16. Act adopted by Congress, which banned all American trade with the rest of the world
  11. 22. the creation of this by Hamilton would issue a uniform currency and provide a source for business loans to spur economic expansion (2 words/no space)
  12. 23. these two were hired to head an expedition exploring the newly purchased Louisiana Territory (2 names/no & or spaces)
  13. 24. Madison's response to the Alien and Sedition Acts (2 words/no space)
  14. 26. Fort that protected Baltimore whose bombardment inspired the Star Spangled Banner
  15. 27. incident of violence that nearly brought the US to war with Great Britian in 1807 (2 words/no spaces)
  16. 28. Treaty signed in 1814 that officially ended the War of 1812
  17. 31. the right to stop US ships, forcibly remove British deserters
  18. 32. Amendment which enabled electors to cast separate ballots for president and vice president following the Revolution of 1800
  19. 33. the first great chief justice of the Supreme Court who served for 34 years
  20. 34. group that claimed to be the true keepers of the constitutional flame
  21. 36. organized three departments in the executive branch (State, Treasury, and War)
  22. 38. became Secretary of State under Washington
  23. 40. Battle where Harrison's forces drove off the Indians but took heavy losses
  24. 44. Treaty which called for disarmament in the Great Lakes (2 words/no hyphen or space)
  25. 46. Treaty which allowed the US to take possession on Florida in 1821 (2 words/no hyphen or space)
  26. 47. Treaty approved in 1795 to negotiate issues between the US and Great Britain
  27. 52. Washington's two term vice president who was elected as president in 1796