Unit Three: Vocabulary Fun Study

  1. 4. between the United States and British Canada; fought mostly in the Great Lakes region
  2. 6. 1803 purchase by the United States of France's Louisiana Territory
  3. 9. that the United States would not support either side in any international conflict
  4. 11. Congressmen from the West and South who encouraged Congress to go to war against England
  5. 13. consider void
  6. 16. an armistice, but did not address major issues
  7. 19. the number of federal judges by sixteen
  8. 21. The Treaty of San Lorenzo, received official recognition of independence from Spain; own property to the Mississippi River and can trade on the river
  9. 22. minister to Britain who went to negotiate with Spain
  1. 1. of New England Federalists to discuss the War of 1812 with possible secession of the New England states and their own peace agreement with Great Britain
  2. 2. party known for its support of strong state governments; founded by Thomas Jefferson
  3. 3. Justice of the Supreme Court who went to negotiate with ENgland
  4. 5. of the Constitution and of a strong National Government
  5. 7. Hamilton/first Secretary of the Treasury
  6. 8. and Kentucky wrote resolutions saying they as states should have the right to nullify laws they do not agree with; written about the Alien and Sedition Acts
  7. 10. who wanted to create a confederation to protect their homeland against intruding white settlers
  8. 12. of advisers to the President
  9. 14. between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr; Alexander Hamilton helps sway some Federalists to switch their votes to Jefferson
  10. 15. Affair incident in which French officials demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats
  11. 17. series of laws enacted in 1798 to reduce the political power of recent immigrants to the United States
  12. 18. as an interpreter and guide on the Corps of Discovery
  13. 19. Britain will remove itself from the Midwestern territories and for that will be permitted to continue hunting in the U.S. territories
  14. 20. Bank/Bank of the United States; would issue money and handle tax receipts and other government funds