Unit Two Part Two Review

  1. 2. Washington's second in command who was put in charge of the Battle of Monmouth, but ended up causing chaos
  2. 5. Turning point of the war that resulted from a victory for Gates, Morgan, and Arnold
  3. 7. Major battle that was a technical victory for the British even though they suffered more casualties (2 words - no space)
  4. 10. British general appointed as Thomas Gage's replacement that first served at the Battle of Long Island
  5. 11. Fort that was captured by Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys in May 1775
  6. 13. Individuals who chose to fight for the cause of American independence
  7. 14. Final battle of the war that occurred after Cornwallis and Lafayette faced off one last time
  8. 15. South Carolina battle that was a second major defeat for the Patriot cause in the South
  9. 16. The ______ Continental Congress led to the creation of the Declaration of American Rights and the raising of a militia
  10. 17. Country that agreed to ally with the Patriots due to Ben Franklin's negotiations
  11. 18. This battle brought Morgan out of retirement and is considered the first major step toward eventual British defeat
  12. 23. Battle where Washington's show of bravery led not only to a Patriot victory but to many men renewing their contracts to fight
  13. 24. Patriot victory where the "over-mountain men" killed Ferguson and 80% of his forces (2 words - no space)
  14. 25. George Rogers Clark became an American hero following his efforts fighting the war in the _____.
  15. 27. The "Fighting Quaker" who led the Patriots to victory at the Battle of Guilford Court House
  16. 28. Individual who gave multiple speeches advocating for separation from Britain including his famous "Give Me Liberty" speech
  17. 30. German mercenaries who were hired to help the British soldiers
  1. 1. Nickname given to Mary Hays following her efforts to hydrate soldiers at the Battle of Monmouth (2 words - no space)
  2. 3. Soldier from the French and Indian War who became the commander-in-chief over the Continental Army
  3. 4. This battle is considered America's worst defeat of the entire war
  4. 6. Nicknamed the "Swamp Fox", he and his men were guerilla fighters who forced Cornwallis to keep looking over his shoulder
  5. 7. Battle that resulted in the American capital being captured by the British
  6. 8. Individual who came to serve as a drillmaster for the Continental Forces (2 words - no space)
  7. 9. Considered one of the lowest points of the war for the Patriots that occurred in the winter of 77-78 (2 words - no space)
  8. 12. General Howe's replacement after the French alliance just before the Battle of Monmouth began
  9. 19. The _____ Continental Congress led to the appointment of Washington as commander of the army and the Declaration of Independence
  10. 20. Treaty that officially ended the war in 1783
  11. 21. Soldiers who could get ready in a moment's notice who were notified about the movement of Redcoats
  12. 22. First battles of the war, occurred near Boston, resulted in a Patriot victory (2 words - no space or "and")
  13. 23. Wrote the pamphlet Common Sense advocating for the colonies to separate from Britain
  14. 26. Individuals who wanted to continue to support the crown and remain part of Britain
  15. 29. Battle that began with Washington's famous Crossing of the Delaware and resulted in a victory for the Patriots