Unit words

  1. 4. Rain,snow and hail are all types of...
  2. 5. In our ____ we have many different cultures.
  3. 7. If the Dam burst it could ______ the city.
  4. 10. Tornadoes,avalanches, and typhoons are all _______ _________.
  5. 12. A big wave that crashes onto land and injures people.
  1. 1. We need to look after or planet for the fight of our _______.
  2. 2. Cold,hot,Celsius, and Fahrenheit are all referred as...
  3. 3. These "plates" are found in the Earth's crust/upper mantle.
  4. 6. Mt Vesuvius had a ________ many years ago.
  5. 8. The ground moving up,down, and sideways.
  6. 9. How do you create strong,sturdy _______?
  7. 11. A planet that has known living things on it and is green and blue in pictures.