United States Canada Facts

  1. 3. grocery store, furniture store,
  2. 4. sharing of languages/common heritage
  3. 8. 2nd largest country
  4. 9. states made up of the fifty states
  5. 11. something that someone believes in
  6. 13. provides for peoples needs
  7. 15. a responsibility of US citizens
  8. 16. these are states but located in canada
  9. 17. an area of land
  10. 18. supreme court
  11. 22. divides the world north and south
  1. 1. meridian divides the world east and west
  2. 2. this is where merchandise is built
  3. 5. things that cultures celebrate
  4. 6. measured in degrees east and west
  5. 7. businesses owned by individuals
  6. 10. led by the president and vice president
  7. 12. senate and house or representatives
  8. 14. ranching, farming, livestock
  9. 19. rocky/applachian mountains
  10. 20. half of the earth
  11. 21. measured in degrees north and south