United States-Physical and Human Geography.

  1. 2. Cardinal point
  2. 5. Social community with a political organization
  3. 6. It comes from an indigenous name
  4. 9. Legal Text
  5. 11. Second largest continent on the planet
  6. 13. One of the most cold countries
  7. 14. Where is the Mojave desert
  8. 16. distance from a point on the earth to the parallel of the equator
  9. 18. Capital of United states
  10. 19. natural elevation of land
  11. 20. Group of people from the same geographical origin
  1. 1. science that studies the surface of the earth
  2. 3. set of traditions and customs
  3. 4. It is transmitted from generation to generation
  4. 7. set of inhabitants of a place
  5. 8. Population where a group of people lives
  6. 10. Specific cities of a country
  7. 12. The seasons of the year begin and end
  8. 15. Occupation, activity or work
  9. 17. Science that studies how to manage resources of money