Units 11&12 Vocabulary

  1. 2. Two people, which are known as a duo.
  2. 5. A radio, whose power comes from winding it.
  3. 9. Where you hang your clothes to let them dry.
  4. 12. Speed of plot.
  5. 13. A sudden energy and stress boost.
  6. 16. Equipment that is attached to our bodies to avoid falling while climbing mountains.
  7. 19. Using a glider to "fly".
  8. 20. A kind of path.
  1. 1. Object used to turn on fire to cook.
  2. 3. A sort of skiing but in mountains without snow.
  3. 4. Sticks used to turn on fire.
  4. 6. Sport in which you have to row a paddle on the sea.
  5. 7. Change direction.
  6. 8. Pans,casseroles, etc.
  7. 10. A bag where you save your towel.
  8. 11. Little box that contains everything needed in case of an accident.
  9. 14. A tool with a knife with lots of uses.
  10. 15. Group of stuff used to eat (knife, spoon, plates, fork).
  11. 17. Deck of cards used to play.
  12. 18. Having a good sight.