UNIX Commands, AT&T Bell Laboratories

  1. 3. concatenates files
  2. 4. unix is a pun on ______ which was an operating system the early developers were working on
  3. 5. print out arguments to the command
  4. 8. enables you to temporarily switch to a shell owned by another user
  5. 10. tells you what the current time is
  6. 12. deletes files
  7. 15. creates a directory
  8. 16. shows or sets the file mode creation mask
  9. 17. this is used by cron to determine what needs to be run
  10. 19. compare two sorted files line by line
  11. 20. prints lines matching a pattern
  12. 23. lists the contents of a directory
  13. 25. strips directory and suffix from filenames
  14. 27. changes the timestamps of a file or creates file if it doesn't exist
  15. 28. shows the different between two text files
  16. 30. tests for file types and compare values
  17. 31. most commonly used text editor on UNIX/linux
  18. 32. without any files specified, cat reads from the standard ______
  19. 33. used to create a link to a file
  20. 36. print out calendar for the specified month or year
  21. 37. the connection of the standard output of one process to the standard input of another is known as a _____
  22. 38. shows how the directory tree is built by mounted filesystems
  23. 40. shows first few lines of files
  24. 41. creates copy of file under a different name or path
  25. 42. saves a typescript of an interactive terminal session
  26. 44. file perusal filter similar to more but with more features
  27. 46. initializes a terminal or query terminfo database
  28. 49. relays standard input to the standard output while capturing a copy in a file
  29. 50. stream editor for filtering and transforming text using a regular expression syntax
  30. 52. the original line editor that came with UNIX
  31. 53. program that reads input from the standard input and writes to the standard output
  32. 54. used to send output to a printer
  33. 56. calls up the GNU C compiler
  34. 57. the -n option to this command prints the hostname of the computer
  35. 59. shows what processes are running on the system
  36. 60. evaluates logical or integer arithmatic expressions
  37. 62. shows or omits repeated lines
  38. 63. files with names starting with a period are known as _____ files (synonym)
  39. 64. displays information about users on the system
  40. 66. it is a unix convention to store binaries in a ____ directory
  1. 1. program that returns an exit status of non zero
  2. 2. display or set your tty settings
  3. 4. renames a file
  4. 6. removes sections from each line of files
  5. 7. this is the clock daemon that will run commands for you on a regularly scheduled basis
  6. 8. a link that can span file system boundaries is called a ______ link
  7. 9. a pattern scanning and processing language with algorithmic syntax used in scripting
  8. 11. version of grep that allows the use of logical operators in specifying the search pattern
  9. 13. used to send various signals to processes whose PIDs are known
  10. 14. system process that is designed to run in the background
  11. 18. paginates a file
  12. 21. this is the line oriented portion of vi
  13. 22. shows who is currently logged on
  14. 24. diverting the standard output to a file is known as a _____ion operation
  15. 25. arbitrary precision infix calculator
  16. 26. what we usually call a command line interpreter
  17. 27. program that returns an exit status of zero
  18. 29. searches for files in a directory hierarchy
  19. 34. changes file permission mode settings
  20. 35. shows a listing of last logged in users
  21. 39. determines file type
  22. 42. delays for a specified amount of time
  23. 43. every process was a unique ___ number
  24. 45. sorts lines of text based on criteria
  25. 47. prints out the last few lines of a file
  26. 48. file perusal filter for viewing on terminal
  27. 49. tells computer about the capabilities of your terminal
  28. 51. strips last component from filename
  29. 55. ability to run more than one command at a time
  30. 58. translates or deletes characters
  31. 61. merges lines of files
  32. 65. removes an empty directory