Unrinary Tract II and Pancreas (there are abbreviations)

  1. 2. incidentally found benign renal tumor composed of varying amounts of adipose tissue, smooth muscle and blood vessels.
  2. 3. TCC is found in the _____ third of the ureter.
  3. 5. palpable non-tender GB with jaundice
  4. 6. a progressive and irreversible destruction of the pancreas by repeated bouts of mild or subclinical pancreatitis
  5. 8. An inflammation of the pancrease that is rare and potentially serious caused by alcohol abuse or gall stones , interstitial edema limited to gland, necrosis of fat, parenchyma, and blood vessels, pseudocysts may form
  6. 11. accounts for 86% of all primary malignant renal parenchymal tumors.
  7. 12. most common cause of reversible renal failure
  8. 13. abuse and biliary disease common cause of chronic pancreatitis
  9. 15. Type of cell Carcinoma that is rare with distant mets usually present at time of diagnosis.
  10. 16. another name for RCC.
  11. 17. small, malformed kidney with multiple cysts and little parenchyma
  12. 20. causes of aging, obesity, chronic pancreatitis, dietary deficiency, viral infection, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, obstruction, steroid therapy
  13. 21. panc duct < ____mm, may be slightly bigger in older pts, smooth walls
  14. 22. type of polycystic kidney disease found in neonates.
  15. 23. _________ and biliary calculi account for most acute pancreatitis
  1. 1. most commonly associated with alcoholic or biliary etiology or blunt trauma or secondary to malignancy
  2. 4. Main pancreatic duct.
  3. 7. small or extremely large found in males in the 6th and 7th decade cannot be differentiated from RCC with U/S.
  4. 8. causes of _______ pancreatitis biliary tract disease, ETOH abuse( most common) peptic ulcer, trauma surgery, hypotensive shock, pregnancy, hyperlipidemas , drugs, hereditary, infectious agents, scorpion bites, legionaires disease
  5. 9. nonencapsulated, retroperitoneal structure that lies between the c-loop of the duodenum and the splenic hilum
  6. 10. Adenocarcinoma bladder dome mass that is often calcified. Tumor extends into perivesicle fat and abdominal wall.
  7. 12. almost all patients will have a UTI and 2/3 will have a staghorn
  8. 14. Multiple, Small, poorly marginated, hypoechoic masses.
  9. 18. _______, creatinine, WBC, and Urine analysis are labs used to evaluate kidneys.
  10. 19. Mellitus most common cause of chronic renal failure
  11. 20. Classic Diagnostic triad - _______, gross hematuria, and palpable renal mass.
  12. 23. large number of bilateral cortical and medullary renal cyst