Wrap-up Puzzle

  1. 6. This trait is about projecting a positive image
  2. 9. When you focus on the customer, you tend to be more __________
  3. 13. The "S" in PAS
  4. 14. Category of service that encourages the customer to act
  5. 15. Ah, yes the service we received was good
  6. 16. "Let me put it in another way"
  7. 19. This type of service revolves around providing information
  8. 20. Most of us are guilty of not __________ and just interested in putting our points of view
  1. 1. Will you be taken seriously with this kind of service?
  2. 2. Good service benefits this group of people, amongst others
  3. 3. This kind of service does little to create a bond with your customer
  4. 4. the buck stops here
  5. 5. Outstanding, unforgettable, they really went out of the way
  6. 7. You create this for your customer with a great service
  7. 8. Don't forget our __________ customers - they too expect a great service standard from you
  8. 10. Service is not just a random approach - rather it has to be provided at every __________
  9. 11. "Normally that is difficult, but let me check if we can offer you a workaround" - an example of __________ language
  10. 12. Watch the clock, just get by, no initiative
  11. 17. These type of questions help customers elaborate on a topic
  12. 18. The good old saying - Customer is __________