Commercial Conundrums

  1. 3. What courts love to pierce
  2. 5. The proper plaintiff is the company itself - rule in _____.
  3. 7. Contrary to good faith.
  4. 10. Another name for the "indoor management rule"
  5. 11. A thing which has no owner
  6. 12. A test for tacit terms in contract
  7. 14. One of the prerequisites for a contract of sale
  8. 15. an addition or supplement that modifies, or revokes a will or part of one.
  9. 17. _____'s Golden Rule about estates
  10. 19. ________ directors. Sneaky puppeteers who influence company decision-makers.
  1. 1. The meeting of the minds on the same things
  2. 2. remedy for dissenting shareholders
  3. 4. A right of use and enjoy another's property
  4. 6. Directors have ______ duties
  5. 8. I refuse to perform unless and until you do.
  6. 9. Meant to deter self-help for dispossession
  7. 10. Not the testator, but the _______
  8. 13. Law School Bible
  9. 16. Mechanism relating to rights of pre-emption
  10. 18. number of witnesses required for a valid will