World War I Crossword

  1. 5. The Archduke of Austria-Hungary, who was assassinated during a trip into Serbia. His death sparked WWI.
  2. 9. The alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  3. 11. The glorification and buildup of the military. Led to increased tension between European countries leading up to World War I.
  1. 1. The treaty drawn up after World War I that led to German resentment of the Allies and eventually helped cause World War II.
  2. 2. A plan used by Germany in hopes of avoid a two-front war with France and Russia. Involved invading Belgium and defeating France quickly.
  3. 3. This technology used by Germany allowed them to cut off British supplies, and indirectly led to US involvement in the war.
  4. 4. Germany's ________ was turned into a surrender by the Allies, which horrified German officials and led them to search for scapegoats for Germany's defeat.
  5. 6. A set of proposals set forth by President Wilson as a method to create lasting peace for the years to come.
  6. 7. A strait located south of the Black Sea, allowing the Allies to ship much-needed supplies to Russia. After the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers, this strait was cut off from Allied usage.
  7. 8. A weapon used by both sides that killed the majority of soldiers during the war. Allowed attacking enemies from over 10 miles away.
  8. 10. A mass recruitment of men in a country as soldiers. Used by all major countries involved in the war.