
  1. 1. Example: Seoul, Shanghai, Paris...
  2. 5. a famous spot that tourist go to see (Eiffel tower)
  3. 7. a piece of paper that helps you plan your trip
  4. 8. something that holds your money and cards
  5. 9. a person who who shows you a new place and teaches you
  6. 11. A lot of Koreans go here on holiday
  7. 12. A country that has many animals including giraffes and zebras
  1. 1. something that takes pictures
  2. 2. is an animal and a country
  3. 3. a document that allows you to travel to ANOTHER COUNTRY
  4. 4. a case used to carry your things
  5. 6. a place where you can stay when you are on holiday
  6. 10. A country that has a Colosseum and a lot of spaghetti!