Anatomy 1
- 3. – liquid part of blood which is not a cell
- 5. secretes -bile detoxifies blood and metabolizes nutrients
- 7. - It carries pure blood from the heart to all parts except pulmonary artery
- 9. protective in function
- 11. transfers food to stomach
- 12. -Air sacs
- 15. churns the food into chime
- 17. - It carries impure blood
- 1. intestine- digests the food and absorbs the nutrients
- 2. - produces digestive enzyme and hormones
- 4. Intestine- forms Vitamin K and absorbs excess water
- 5. spongy elastic organ situated in thoracic cavity
- 6. transport of oxygen
- 8. -wind pipe
- 10. flap hat guards opening of wind and food pipe
- 13. - lubricant of food and adds enzymes
- 14. space where tonsils are situated
- 16. - pumping station